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PlateProfile Properties


The PlateProfile type exposes the following members.

Public propertyLayout 截面支持的参数
(Inherited from Profile)
Public propertyName 截面名称
(Inherited from Profile)
Public propertyShapeHeight 截面高度
(Inherited from Profile)
Public propertyShapeRight 截面右边缘位置
(Inherited from Profile)
Public propertyShapeTop 截面顶边缘位置
(Inherited from Profile)
Public propertyShapeWidth 截面宽度
(Inherited from Profile)
Public propertyShapeX 截面X方向起始位置
(Inherited from Profile)
Public propertyShapeY 截面Y方向起始位置
(Inherited from Profile)
Public propertySubType 截面子类型
(Inherited from Profile)
Public propertyThickness 板厚度,标记 - t
Public propertyType 截面类型
(Inherited from Profile)
Public propertyWidth 板宽度,标记 - b
See Also