Click or drag to resize

ElevationCtrlPoint Properties


The ElevationCtrlPoint type exposes the following members.

Public propertyDisposed 对象是否已销毁
(Inherited from ObjectBase)
Public propertyElevation 层号
Public propertyEnabled 对象是否启用
(Inherited from ObjectBase)
Public propertyFlags 对象标志位
(Inherited from ObjectBase)
Public propertyId 对象ID
(Inherited from ObjectBase)
Public propertyIsCompRuntimeChild 对象是否组件的运行时子节点
(Inherited from ObjectBase)
Public propertyLocalPos 控制点在本地空间的位置
(Inherited from CtrlPoint)
Public propertyLocked 对象是否锁定
(Inherited from ObjectBase)
Public propertyOwner 控制点所属对象
(Inherited from CtrlPoint)
Public propertyScene 所属场景
(Inherited from ObjectBase)
Public propertyType 对象类型
(Inherited from ObjectBase)
Public propertyWorldPos 控制点在世界空间的位置 NOTE: 世界位置受Scene.GlobalTransform影响
(Inherited from CtrlPoint)
See Also