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DoubleInput Properties


The DoubleInput type exposes the following members.

Public propertyCaretVisible
(Inherited from InputBase)
Public propertyCheckOnChange
(Inherited from InputBase)
Public propertyControlCheckName
(Inherited from InputBase)
Public propertyDefaultValue 控件默认值
Public propertyEmptyValue 控件空值,当数值为此值时输入框显示为空
Public propertyEnob
(Inherited from InputBase)
Public propertyMax 最大有效值
Public propertyMin 最小有效值
Public propertyParamName
(Inherited from InputBase)
Public propertyPlaceholder
(Overrides InputBasePlaceholder)
Public propertyTabGroup
(Inherited from InputBase)
Public propertyText 控件文本
Public propertyUnitData
(Inherited from InputBase)
Public propertyUnitDisplay
(Inherited from InputBase)
Public propertyUnitEnobType 数值属性单位类型,与模型首选项中建模单位属性一一对应,支持以下类型:
  1. model_dist – 建模-长度,对模型中的长度属性有效
  2. model_angl – 建模-角度
  3. model_spconst – 建模-弹性系数
  4. model_rot_spconst – 建模-转动弹性系数
  5. model_force – 建模-力
  6. model_distributed_load – 建模-均布载荷
  7. model_surface_load – 建模-表面载荷
  8. model_moment – 建模-弯矩
  9. model_distributed_moment – 建模-均布弯矩
  10. model_temperature – 建模-温度
  11. model_deform – 建模-变形
  12. prf_sect_dim – 截面-尺寸
  13. prf_angl – 截面-变形
  14. prf_area – 截面-面积
  15. prf_sect_modulus – 截面-截面模量
  16. prf_moment_inertia – 截面-惯性矩
  17. prf_radius_inertia – 截面-回转半径
  18. prf_torsion_const – 截面-扭转常量
  19. prf_warping_const – 截面-弯曲常量
  20. prf_cover_area – 截面-覆盖面积
  21. mtrl_strength – 材质-强度
  22. mtrl_modulus – 材质-弯矩
  23. mtrl_density – 材质-密度
  24. mtrl_weight – 材质-重量
  25. mtrl_strain – 材质-应变
  26. mtrl_thermal_coeff – 材质-热膨胀系数
  27. mtrl_ratio – 材质-比率
  28. mtrl_volume – 材质-体积

(Inherited from InputBase)
Public propertyValue 控件数值
See Also