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PartBase Properties


The PartBase type exposes the following members.

Public propertyClass 零件等级
Public propertyCtrlPoints
(Inherited from TFObject)
Public propertyCutTarget 切割目标
(Inherited from Cutter)
Public propertyDisposed 对象是否已销毁
(Inherited from ObjectBase)
Public propertyEnabled 对象是否启用
(Inherited from ObjectBase)
Public propertyExactCutMode 作为切割体时是否应用与截面完全一致的切割(若为false, 则有空截面作为切割体时不会保留孔内部分)
(Inherited from Cutter)
Public propertyFinish 抛光
Public propertyFlags 对象标志位
(Inherited from ObjectBase)
Public propertyGuid 对象GUID
(Inherited from TFObject)
Public propertyId 对象ID
(Inherited from ObjectBase)
Public propertyIsCompRuntimeChild 对象是否组件的运行时子节点
(Inherited from ObjectBase)
Public propertyIsCutter 是否切割体
Public propertyIsManualNumber 是否指定编号
Public propertyIsPrebuiltManualNumber 是否指定构件编号
Public propertyIsWeldGroove 是否开启焊接准备
(Inherited from Cutter)
Public propertyLocalMatrix 对象本地空间坐标矩阵
(Inherited from TFObject)
Public propertyLocked 对象是否锁定
(Inherited from ObjectBase)
Public propertyMaterial 材质
Public propertyName 零件名称
Public propertyNumber 零件编号
Public propertyNumberPostfix 零件编号后缀
Public propertyNumberPrefix 零件编号前缀
Public propertyNumberStart 零件起始编号
Public propertyObjectMatrix 对象在父空间的坐标矩阵
(Inherited from TFObject)
Public propertyObjectWorldMatrix 对象在世界空间的坐标矩阵 NOTE: 此变换受Scene.GlobalTransform影响
(Inherited from TFObject)
Public propertyParent 父对象
(Inherited from TFObject)
Public propertyParentMatrix 父对象在世界空间的坐标矩阵 NOTE: 此变换受Scene.GlobalTransform影响
(Inherited from TFObject)
Public propertyPhaseNo 阶段编号
(Inherited from TFObject)
Public propertyPreBuilt 所属构件
(Inherited from TFObject)
Public propertyPrebuiltNumberPostfix 构件编号后缀
Public propertyPrebuiltNumberPrefix 构件编号前缀
Public propertyPrebuiltNumberStart 构件起始编号
Public propertyProfile 截面
Public propertyProfileName 截面名称
Public propertyScene 所属场景
(Inherited from ObjectBase)
Public propertyType 对象类型
(Inherited from ObjectBase)
Public propertyViewId 对象所在视图ID,仅对部分对象有效
(Inherited from TFObject)
Public propertyWorkAxis 工作坐标系 NOTE: 此变换受Scene.GlobalTransform影响
(Inherited from TFObject)
Public propertyWorldMatrix 对象在世界空间的坐标矩阵 NOTE: 此变换受Scene.GlobalTransform影响
(Inherited from TFObject)
See Also